Stardate: 2024.30 One mo time.


Red One (2024, Action, Adventure, Comedy)  Intense Christmas Ever.

Borderlands (2024, Action, Adventure)  Dystopian is fun.

Thelma (2024, Action, Comedy)  Refreshing. Different. Funny.

The Covenant (2023, Action, Drama)  Grueling. Harsh. Lifelike.

The Reading (2023, Mystery, Thriller) Monique as herself.

We Have a Ghost (2023, Adventure, Comedy)  Let dead lie.

Fear the Invisible Man (2023, Thriller)  Another direction. Maybe.

Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game (2022, Biography, Drama)  Determined. Strong. Perseverance.

Shadow Master (2022, Action)  On fighting mission.

Guardians of Time (2022, Action, Adventure, Fantasy)  Another same story.

Maze Runner: Death Cure (2018, Action, Adventure)  Mediocre at least.